Professional Online Course
Professional Online Course
Learning the Basics of Self-Regulation as a Trauma Survivor
A course designed to help you understand the basics of trauma, and how to interrupt old, negative patterns with healthier coping skills.
$150.00 $120.00
About the Course
A course designed to help you make sense of your reactions and symptoms while also learning to track your nervous system and interrupt old, negative patterns with healthier coping skills.
The past year has been traumatic all by itself. Â Whether you are reeling from the pandemic and the uncertainty that brings into your life or you are struggling with the civil unrest and the deep wounds that brings to the surface, the past year has been a lot for us all. Â You could be dealing with both or with something totally different. Â Either way, you have decided to reach out for services and support.
While you wait for an individual slot with me, or you just decided to invest in yourself in this way, I would love to share with you the first 5 sessions of my therapy process. Â They are normally all pyschoeducation in nature. This process is designed to help you make sense of your reactions and symptoms while also learning to track your nervous system and interrupt old, negative patterns with healthier coping skills. Â
Consider taking this five-weeks course. Â The format will be a replay of a previously recorded webinar where I shared the information for your consumption. You will have limited access to me via email for the five weeks of the course to ask questions and get clarification.
This course cost $150. There is no promise that a slot will be open upon completion of these 5 weeks if you are on my waitlist, but I hope this will help you develop some new skills as you navigate these trying times.
NOTE: This course does not in any way substitute for therapy services. It is only meant to be used for educational purposes.

About Your Instructor
About Your Instructor
Nina Keeler, LMFT is dedicated to partnering with other mental health professionals who desire to grow their skills working with trauma and attachment. She received her Master of Science from Kansas State University with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy. During her time in graduate school, she fell in love with Play Therapy. She completed a Play Therapy certification program through KC Play Therapy Institute. At the beginning of her career, she worked as a Social Services Case Manager and had the honor of working with many children and families suffering from trauma and attachment challenges. This led her on a journey to learn about trauma and attachment. She completed Dr. Dan Hughes’ level one Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy training in Maine. She then went on to complete Eye Movement Densensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) training and the Integrative Attachment Trauma Protocol for Children through The Attachment and Trauma Center of Nebraska. Currently, she is working to become certified in Somatic Experiencing.
Course Modules

Trauma 101
Understanding Your Nervous System

Understanding Nervous System

Trauma & the Body
Safety & Coping Skills

Safety & Coping Skills

What's Next
Participants will become familiar with alternative methods to help with healing trauma. They will also learn to identify what qualities to look for in your trauma treatment therapist. Lastly, participants will develop the knowledge to identify when to seek a higher level of care.
Frequently Asked Questions?
You will need a computer, a high-speed Internet connection, a newer version of a web browser, and access to email.
Currently, Trauma Treatment Collective does not provide any financial assistance to students.
Sign Up Now!
Participants will have immediate access to the content to complete at their leisure. Start your pyschoeducation journey today by signing up now.